VIRAL: Are Filipinos insulted by Tekken with the newest Pinay Character, Josie Rizal?

Are Filipinos insulted by Josie Rizal, newest Pinay character?

Josie Rizal as the newest character in Tekken
Josie Rizal as the newest character in Tekken

Tekken is one of the most played games worldwide and Filipinos definitely know this game because it can be found at any gaming and arcade center here in the Philippines.

But as the creator of the famous game Tekken revealed the newest character of the game named Josie Rizal, A lot of comments regarding the character came up.

Josie Rizal is a character that will be using Kickboxing and Eskrima as her way of battling among other characters.


Are the Filipinos insulted with tekken's newest character, Josie Rizal? Majority of the Filipinos felt great and thankful of having the chance to have a character on the said game, definitely not.

Josie Rizal truly depicted every Filipinos characteristic. She is a Filipino heroine and a tough woman. Josie says "Got this!" before the battle start which is a Filipino trait meaning "Ako ang bahala" in Filipino.


Are you proud to have a character in Tekken named and molded upon Filipinos? Do you think that this is an insult to Filipinos? Share your opinions.