Yes, it’s that time of year again, when our furry little love bugs would hide and scurry their furry posteriors in the closet, behind the fridge or anywhere they feel safe.
Why do dogs hate firecrackers?
Based from what we learned from an article on PoochPalsPetCare (.com) dogs hate firecrackers obviously because of the high intensity sound. Dogs have very sensitive hearing and they hear firecrackers 10x the intensity of how us humans hear it. Also, we humans understand it, the sound and all, based from society. We also connect it to something cheerful and joyful but our pets, do not.
We found this very helpful tip online:
Photo is from
YAAAAAY!!! Try this little trick even through thunderstorms and such and let us know if it works!
What are other tips you can suggest for our pets to remain calm and help them through New Year’s?